Safety & work environment
Our rules for personal protective equipment have been extended and uniformed for our various factories. We also have procedures and templates for risk inventories and safety rounds. People at our workplaces; Employees, hired staff, subcontractors and visitors must all follow K-Prefabs rules of order and protection. This means to use the protective equipment and follow the procedures that apply to each situation. All employees have the right and obligation to stop work if there is an accident risk. Our rules for personal protective equipment have been extended and streamlined for all our factories.
Read our Work Environment Policy here
Work environment training is carried out continuously in all operations. With information efforts, we strengthen a culture where security is crucial. Through a systematic work environment that includes risk management and preventive measures together with knowledge transfer, we continue to strive for a zero accident vision at our workplaces.
Safety week
K-Prefab annually conducts a safety week when we focus extra on safety through training, discussions and reflections. This is to capture challenges, good ideas and solutions regarding the work environment. The dialogues generate a number of suggestions for improvement, where the common denominator is the need for simplification and support. The purpose is to develop our safety culture and increase awareness of the importance of secure and healthy workplaces.
It should be easy to do right at K-Prefab’s workplaces.
We are happy to help you with more information about our safety work. Here you will find contact information.